Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One of THOSE days

Can I just tell you, today has already been one of those days. As I'm typing right now, Will is hanging on my leg screaming and crying. Guess I'll go deal with that. Ok.....anyway......

I went to fix the kids cereal this morning and there were no clean spoons. Big red flag: It's time to do dishes! I got in the shower.....when I came out the boys were covered from head to toe in liquid soap from the bathroom sink. And yes, they were already dressed for the day! They have all fought all morning, Caroline is crying that she doesn't want to go to Will's therapy (I don't either!), and we have absolutely no groceries in this disastrous house! Looks like I'm in for an afternoon of cleaning and dishes!

I guess I'll just take a deep breath and move on with my day. Sometimes it is easy to lose sight of all I have to be thankful for.......three beautiful healthy children, and a job that allows me to have the best of both worlds--a stay at home mother in the summer AND a working mother, a wonderful husband who loves me and puts up with me. I could go on and on about all I have to be thankful for.

I'm feeling better after reflecting on the positive things in life....now I have to go. Off to therapy and a full day of work left. :)